Shimano Reel Stradic 4000XG FM
Shimano Reel Stradic 4000XG FM
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Shimano Rolle Stradic 4000XG FM
The versatile STRADIC offers exceptional performance and delivers an
enviable combination of strength, refinement and smoothness. Backed
by years of history and a faultless reputation, the next generation
STRADIC is a reel that consistently delivers class-leading performance.
The STRADIC sits perfectly in the middle of the Coresolid range and delivers a
serious amount of advanced technology. It doesn’t matter if you fi sh diff erent
methods for diff erent species, or are a single-minded specialist, there’s a model
in the STRADIC range for you. Strong and powerful enough to make fi shing
heavy lures and fi ghting large fi sh easier, yet smooth enough to off er precision
when required, the STRADIC is a pleasure to use and will enhance your fi shing
experience in all freshwater and in-shore saltwater situations.